I reflect again today on how I seem to make most of my clients cry…
I can only think of 2/3 who haven’t cried.
I count this a success.
If someone feels safe enough to release years of pent up emotion that is a beautiful thing. I am grateful I got to hold safe space and a loving container.
Because they got to let go of someone else’s/society’s/their parents/cultural expectations.
Expectations that told them (with or without words) it wasn’t ok to feel emotions deeply, that it wasn’t ok to be sensitive, that it wasn’t ok to be vulnerable, to be empathetic. That’s a lot of restrained humanness and at some point it leaks out like toxins in unexpected ways. Illness and pain is just one of those ways. Great tension in the muscles also common.
So to my deep thinkers, deep feelers, highly sensitives I simply wish for you to feel safe to cry whenever your body tells you it needs to. Without any self judgement.
All emotions are welcome. All emotions are beautiful. It makes us human. It means we are alive!
I once asked my teacher if a goal of meditation was to not feel emotions deeply (I was learning about equanimity)- he laughed and said to me “if we feel no emotion, then we are dead”
Thinking of working with me but not sure how just yet?
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The series of 5 emails equips you with video, audio, and other tools that are designed to take you from feeling anxious and overwhelmed to calm and clear. You'll also get weekly insights into life on the neurodiversity spectrum to further help you understand yourself (or your loved ones).
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